Student Activities

All Grades

参观西姆斯市政回收中心 (Grades 3-8)
想展示你的班级或绿队哪里有金属, glass, plastic, 以及在纽约回收的纸盒? Schedule a free tour of the brand new Sims Municipal Recycling facility in Sunset Park, Brooklyn! Seeing is believing, and your students won’t forget this incredible experience.

Recycling Class Contract
学生和家长签署的协议. 学生们承诺学习环境, 家长们签名表示他们会配合绿色家庭作业, 比如回收日志. 由布鲁克林城市规划学院设计.

纽约市卫生部门 (Grades K-12)
订购免费的纽约市教师资源指南, 与纽约市教育部合作开发的, 以及与漫威漫画一起发展的RRR漫画.

Grades 3-7

Students chose one thing to reduce at home each week and write journal entries about their successes and challenges implementing the change.  在课堂上,他们组成小组,创造“你知道吗??" posters.

学生学习回收的意义, Reducing and Reusing through analytical reading and construct an object out of recycled materials.  科学的方法是用来写一步一步的过程. 由布鲁克林PS/IS 308创建. 

High School

Green Design Project 
学生们假装自己是建筑师, and come up with a series of design changes to make their school more environmentally friendly. 然后他们根据一个标准给他们的项目打分.

Advocacy Action Kit
This kit is designed to channel student efforts into creating a customized recycling campaign for your middle or high school. The kit's sections are divided into multiple weeks and can be adapted to accommodate time constraints and needs of your school.

Green Teams

Student Recycling Script
A presentation for Green Team Club members to introduce themselves and the purpose of their club. They explain how to use their new recycling bins, in the classroom and in the cafeteria.
Created by P.S. 16 Staten Island.

Waste Audit Guide
有没有想过学校的垃圾里有什么? This hands-on activity helps students assess their school's waste in order to think of ways to reduce it. 结果可以纳入学校的回收计划, 甚至是在课程和活动中.

Recycling Rating Chart
Green Team members go around the school and rate the success of the recycling program. They do a survey by classroom to ensure each has bins, and rate the level of contamination.

Advocacy Action Kit
这套装备是为绿色队伍设计的, club, or classes' efforts into creating a customized recycling campaign for your middle or high school. The kit's sections are divided into multiple weeks and can be adapted to accommodate time constraints and needs of your school.

升级回收的牛奶纸盒工艺 (Grades 2-5)
Have fun teaching students about recycling and upcycling by turning an empty milk carton into a coin wallet! This instruction sheet takes you through the step by step process to make this fun craft.

Recycling Fact Assigment (Grades 1-5)
环保署可持续发展协调员.S. 101 Queens introduced a homework assignment that encouraged students to gather information about recycling. 文件可以打印在字母大小的纸上,然后切成条状. 每个学生都有一张纸条和一周的时间来完成作业. A week later each student picked one fact to read aloud along with their solution. The students' facts will be considered for morning announcements to the whole school! 

For Classrooms

All Grades

核心:推动人文教育 (Grades PK-12)
A great listing of free, downloadable lesson plans on issues ranging from recycling and pollution to energy, and environmental choices.

America Recycles Day (Grades K-12)
Take a recycling pledge, find an event, or download materials to help your school organize and celebrate this awesome day.

NBC Learn (Grades K-12)
通过与国家科学基金会的合作, teachers and students can have access to a variety of climate science and recycling related videos and NBS news archives.

纽约环境保护部 (Grades K-12)
有关教育营、中心和项目的信息.  为学生准备的野生动物活动和为教师准备的课程计划, insects, recycling, conservation, and more.

Steel Recycling Institute (Grades PK-12)
With a focus on recycling, 固体废物和自然资源管理, 你会发现各种各样的教案, worksheets, and hands-on activities. 

Elementary School 

升级回收的牛奶纸盒工艺 (Grades 2-5)
Have fun teaching students about recycling and upcycling by turning an empty milk carton into a coin wallet! This instruction sheet takes you through the step by step process to make this fun craft.

Recycling Fact Assigment (Grades 1-5)
环保署可持续发展协调员.S. 101 Queens introduced a homework assignment that encouraged students to gather information about recycling. 文件可以打印在字母大小的纸上,然后切成条状. 每个学生都有一张纸条和一周的时间来完成作业. A week later each student picked one fact to read aloud along with their solution. The students' facts will be considered for morning announcements to the whole school!

Garbology Kids (Grades PK-5)
可回收材料去了哪里?  What happens to trash?  Teachers, parents, and students can learn more and have fun through this great book series.

Marcal (Grades K-2)
当地一家生产再生纸家居产品的公司!  下载马卡关于回收的免费课程计划, trees, 以及满足各种教育标准的森林砍伐.

纽约市卫生部门 (Grades K-12)
订购免费的纽约市教师资源指南, 与纽约市教育部合作开发的, 以及与漫威漫画一起发展的RRR漫画. 


Streets Education (Grades PK-8)
Use the streets around your school to actively engage students on the transportation and environmental issues facing NYC's urban environment.

Middle and High School

PBS节目:垃圾梦 (Grades 4-12)
In Cairo, the Zabelleen people survive by collecting and recycling garbage.  在一个有趣的学生在线游戏中,扮演Zaballeen的角色.  You have eight months to build your recycling empire and get Cairo’s total recycling as high as you can.

Gothamist社区垃圾地图 (Grades 6-12)
纽约市不同的社区在回收方面做得如何? Compare refuse and recycling of an average person from each district with this interactive map. 然后,学生可以研究是在纽约市的废物流,以及如何 recycle even more

美国环保署:全球气候变化学生指南 (Grade 4-12)
A wealth of materials for teachers and students to develop an increased knowledge of solid waste issues as they relate to climate change, and take action! 

No Impact Project (Grades 6-12)
以电影《bg视讯厅》为指南, students can explore the impact of their everyday behavior on the environment and their well-being, 通过观察交通运输, consumption, energy, food, and water. 

High School

bg视讯如何衡量气候变化?  什么活动会导致气候变化?  通过ACE的免费课程计划探索这些主题和更多内容.  If your school is hosting an ACE assembly then download accompanying lesson plans for before or after the assembly.

废弃的教案包 (Grades 8-12)
全面的课程计划,以配合垃圾, 一部60分钟的关于“垃圾……美式”的电影.   

Arts and Crafts

All Grades

Materials for the Arts
Materials for the Arts gathers supplies from companies and individuals that no longer need them and redistributes them to educators who can reuse them. 

寻找绿色设计或艺术项目?  Everyday recylables and trash can be upcycled into functional products and art.  Downlaod DIY projects for the classroom or invite RePlayGround to your event! 

Skraptacular offers unique children's programs based on recycling education for a greener world. Turnkey curriculum invites children of all ages to take an active role in saving the environment and reducing waste, all while having fun.

The Imagination Factory
There's no machinery at The Imagination Factory, and smokestacks don't pollute the air. Instead, we teach children and their caregivers creative ways to recycle by making art.

American Forest & Paper Association (Grades 3-6)
下载由AF制作的免费迷你回收海报&PA and Scholastic along with three easy lessons covering math, science, and language arts. There is also a short video demonstrating how to make your own paper in class.

Turtle Bank (Grades 2-7)
用这个回收的海龟银行节省你的硬币. Students turn a plastic salad container into a work of art with this fun lesson plan from National Wildlife Federation Kids.

大多数人通常认为塑料袋不美观. With this project, 你可以制作漂亮的友谊手链, don’t cost a dime, 并帮助保护环境! 这对学生来说是一个很好的活动,可以和电影一起看, Bag It.

升级回收的牛奶纸盒工艺 (Grades 2-5)
Have fun teaching students about recycling and upcycling by turning an empty milk carton into a coin wallet! This instruction sheet takes you through the step by step process to make this fun craft.

Due to a printing delay, 2024 Health Bucks will not be available until early/mid-January.

Debido a un retraso en la impresión, las Health Bucks 2024 no estarán disponibles hasta el mediados de enero.

纽约市健康与心理卫生局通知bg视讯,由于印刷延误,2024 健康卡要到以下日期才能提供

纽约市精神病学研究中心, że z powodu opóźnienia w druku, 2024健康雄鹿nie będą dostępne do czasu początek/połowa stycznia. 

Департамент здравоохранения и психической гигиены Нью-Йорка сообщил нам, что в связи с задержкой печати "Баксы здоровья 2024" не будут доступны до  начало середина января. 

  • Food Access & Agriculture

    Our network of 蔬菜市场、农贸市场和农场摊位, 再加上bg视讯 Wholesale, 确保所有纽约人都能享用到最新鲜的食物, healthiest local food.

  • Zero Waste

    bg视讯提供食物残渣, clothing collections, 停止'N' Swap®社区重用事件, 零浪费培训让所有人都能轻松节约资源.

  • Green Space

    We build and rejuvenate community gardens and urban farms in all 5 boroughs, 并通过志愿者日支持更多的花园, technical assistance, school garden grants, & more.

  • Education

    bg视讯通过提供66项服务来培养未来的环境管理者,000 children each year with programs that provide meaningful interactions with the natural environment.